Regional Malls: Dinosaurs or Phoenixes Rising?

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June 26, 2019, 12:00 PM ET

60 mins

Event Details
Join our webinar to learn about the challenges and opportunities driving new investments to meet the needs of retailers, consumers and their local communities as regional mall owners and operators work toward maximizing the value of real estate assets into the future.
Cynthia Nelson
Senior Managing Director
With more than 30 years of industry experience, Cynthia Nelson specializes in advising stakeholders with interests in real estate. She has extensive experience with developing and operating companies and with retail, master planned communities, resorts, office, hospitality, multi-family and mixed-use properties. Cynthia focuses on turnaround and restructuring strategies to preserve and enhance value in connection with underperforming assets and enterprises.

Glenn Brill
Managing Director
With more than 25 years of real estate industry experience, Glenn Brill advises investors and developers on large-scale, mixed-use projects in the Americas, Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East. Glenn’s experience includes underwriting structured finance including debt and equity participation as well as market and financial feasibility.
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