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FTI Consulting Forensic & Litigation Expert App

FTI Consulting can help identify subject and industry experts for investigative, consulting or litigation matters. Start your expert search by selecting criteria such as location, type of expert (academic, consultant, retired professional), professional and industry experience, and areas of expertise. You will then be connected with the FTI Consulting Forensic & Litigation employee based on your search criteria who will find the right expert for your matter, or use the interactive mapping feature to find an
Forensic & Litigation Consulting employee near you.

Forensic & Litigation Consulting

Have you ever needed to find a certain type of expert in a specific location — or wondered how many experts have a certain expertise in your city? FTI Consulting's Forensic & Litigation segment has created a mobile application for smartphones and tablets that allows users to search for experts and connect with an FTI Consulting Forensic & Litigation representative to provide personalized assistance in your search.

FTI Consulting’s Expert App provides users instant access to thousands of experts across 35 practice areas, 18 industries, and offices located in 27 countries and six continents.

Use the app to select criteria that include:
  • Location
  • Type (academic, consultant and retired professional)
  • Profession
  • Expertise
  • Industry
Expert App displays an interactive map that provides instant access to experts, locations and short biographies. Based on your search criteria, a designated FTI Consulting Forensic & Litigation representative will be made available to assist in your search.

Download the
Expert App User Guide

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Marc Shapiro
Managing Director

Mr. Shapiro has over 20 years of experience in all aspects of analysis and valuation of commercial real estate. He specializes in the valuation of individual properties and portfolios for financial reporting, lending, estate planning, gifting, partnership issues, eminent domain, purchase price allocations, ad valorem taxation, litigation support, public offerings, and portfolio analysis and in providing litigation support related to valuation issues.
Marc Shapiro
Managing Director

Mr. Shapiro has over 20 years of experience in all aspects of analysis and valuation of commercial real estate. He specializes in the valuation of individual properties and portfolios for financial reporting, lending, estate planning, gifting, partnership issues, eminent domain, purchase price allocations, ad valorem taxation, litigation support, public offerings, and portfolio analysis and in providing litigation support related to valuation issues.
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Transforming Purchased Services through Analytics
What is Happening to Real Estate Values?
A presentation and review of factors contributing to real estate values and the identification of current trends and expectations for future appreciation.
December, 18th 2013
12:30 PM EST
60 mins
123 FTI Laneway Boulevard, Ontario Canada N3A 2V2
Eric Poer
Senior Managing Director
+1 415 283 4229

8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM Brunch / Range opens
11:00 AM Golf Tournament / Shot-gun start
1:00 PMGolf Clinic
4:00 PMCocktail and dinner reception
Chris Riper
Senior Director
+1 503 974 5404